Refresh Your Thoughts in 3 Steps

Read Time: 2 min

Ouch! Another setback. Let’s take a deep breath. Let your frustrations out. Vent for a few seconds. You don’t need any longer. Now take a few more deep breaths. Nice and slow.

Life is full of adversity. There will be some tough times. You can count on it. However, with the right mindset techniques the outcome, success or failure, does not matter. What matters is how you think about it.

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Two Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself

Read Time: 2 min

I dig the happy, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy all of the time. Like everyone else my life is a journey, and there are some ups and downs. Some good times and some bad. Overall, I’m at peace. I’m having my thoughts work for me instead of against me.

What helps me find peace is knowing the right questions to ask myself in certain situations.

I want to share with you two powerful questions I’ve learned from my friend, Marie Forleo. I ask myself these when I’m in tough situations filled with adversity. It can be everyday situations like when I’m reading something new or when I’m listening to someone talk about a familiar subject. When you embrace these questions, it can be a game changer in your life.

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Five Strategies for an Awesome 2016

Read Time: < 1
Sun. January 10th, 2016

Wow, time does fly by quickly. I enjoyed 2015, but I want more. In 2016, I want to be a better friend. I want to be a better parent. I want to be a better me. Do you feel this way?

So, what am I going to do about it? Moving forward, I’m committing to leveling up who I am as a person and entrepreneur.

Here are my five strategies for creating an awesome 2016:

  1. I will not play the victim… I will be vulnerable and own my happiness.
  2. I will not delay action… I will take massive action.
  3. I will not live in scarcity… I will live in abundance.
  4. I will not be afraid of failure… I will embrace learning from failure.
  5. I will not let my thoughts run wild…I will use my thoughts to my advantage.

High five! Here’s to the best new year. Regardless of what happens, I’ve decided that 2016 is going to be great!

What about you? Have any big plans or goals for 2016?

Leave a comment and let me know what you’re working on, and if I can help in any way.



Father’s Day: 3 Reasons Why You Should Refresh Your Health By Greeting The Morning Sun

Father’s Day is a special time to celebrate those who have helped raise us. It’s also a great opportunity for Dad’s to prioritize their health so they can be around longer. Below are three tips to refresh your health by greeting the morning sun.

  1. Get outside early to greet the sun with a few minutes of deep breathing each morning.  Focus only on your breath as you stand to face the sun.   Breathe in and breathe out.  Congratulations! You have just experienced a basic Standing Meditation which can clear your mind and prepare you for a great day.
  2. While you are out there in the sun you can increase your Vitamin D levels by ditching your shirt and soaking up rays. Did you know most people in the United States are low in Vitamin D? A little bit of sun gazing while shirtless each morning can help increase your Vitamin D levels.
  3. Now let’s wrap up your morning refresh in front of the sun by expressing deep gratitude.  Not only is it a great way to reduce stress,  a healthy practice of gratitude can help you appreciate all the wonderful things you already have in your life.
Happy Father’s Day from one father to another.  Wishing you the best.
Jace Jacobs
photo courtesy: John Gregory