Boom! Take That Resistance!

Read Time: 2 min

One of my favorite quotes is from the Roman Emporer, Marcus Aurelius.

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”

That quote resonates with me. It’s also one of the first quotes I ever memorized, and not because I had too. I found it a few years ago, and it stuck with me.

You see early on I didn’t have the life skills to use that quote to my advantage. It would have flown right over my head. When I was growing up:

  • I lacked confidence.
  • I was afraid to use my voice.
  • I didn’t understand the positives of failure.
  • I had no knowledge about the power of my thoughts.
  • I was missing key life skills such as mindfulness, meditation, gratitude and many more.

I know now that I was playing small. As a result, I missed out on a lot of opportunities.

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Awaken the Awesome Within

Read Time: 2 min

Another new book to read. A new look. Lots of new opportunities. You are meeting a few new friends as well.

Something is going on. You can feel it. The people around you sense something is different. You’ve changed. Some people don’t like it…but you do! You like the new you! You feel great!

I have some news for you. I’m here to tell you how I feel about it.

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Three Ways to Bust Out of Your Rut

Read Time: 2 min

As I began my day building my new online program, I found myself watching cool cat videos on Facebook. It was awesome, and I don’t even have a cat.

I was sucked in, and I fully embraced it.

On my journey as a coach and being coached by others, I’ve learned there is a time and a place for cat videos. There is also a time when you need to flip the switch and say no to things that are keeping you from being your best self.

Below are three ways to help you bust out of your rut, kick the cat videos to the curb, and bring your awesomeness to the table like a pro.

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If I Knew Then…

Read Time: 2 min

Have you ever had this thought before? If I knew then what I know now. Boom! I have those thoughts every once in a while.

It would be cool if I could go back in time and give myself knowledge. Wouldn’t that be sweet? However, two things come to mind. First, I can’t go back in time and train myself. Second, I like who I am now which is a result of my past journey including the failures.

Instead, I like to focus on what I can control moving forward.

Here is a look at three things I’m getting good at these last couple of years. I bet my future self will be happy I put in the work.

1. Meditation – Blah blah blah. I know you’ve heard so much about it. Let’s be honest, are you meditating each day?

There are so many ways to meditate. Are you switching it up and finding the method that works best for you? I found great success when I changed from sitting meditation to standing meditation.

Do you see results? If not, make a pivot, get some new training, and keep at it. When you figure it out, meditation becomes a life changer.

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You Only Know What You Know…You Know?

Read Time: 2 min

When it comes to life in general, you only know what you know. You’re a product of your environment. The way you operate today is a result of your programming.

Is it good or bad? Maybe a little bit of both. One thing is for sure; you are in charge of what you choose to embrace or change about yourself.

Is there something you like or dislike? It might be time to question your programming and why you do what you do.

Your programming develops over time based on your culture, influences, and circumstances. It’s like second nature. You don’t have to think about it. Your brain is on auto-pilot, and you take action.

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