I’m becoming a big fan of appreciation.
I dig my experiences. Both the good and the bad.
I appreciate the failures I’ve had and the lessons I’ve learned.
The truth is your experiences shape who you are now.
You have skills and experiences that are unique. You have a story. Nobody else has lived your life.
There is magic in appreciating what you have already accomplished. Your experiences. Your achievements. Your lessons. Even your failures.
It’s called active appreciation. The goal is simple. Actively appreciate all of the things that brought you to where you are now. They have shaped you. It’s part of your journey.
When you focus on active appreciation, it keeps you from being desperate. I don’t know about you… I don’t like being desperate.
I know I’m on a journey. I know there will be ups and downs.
I appreciate. Ahhhhh yeahhhh!
Are you with me?
High Five and Knuckles,
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